Friday, September 23, 2011

Five Question Friday

   I haven't done this in a while, but I'm feeling up to it this evening! I've had a pretty great Friday. Noah and I watched the Grey's Anatomy season premier at our 6am feeding and then slept until almost noon. We snuggled, washed clothes, did dishes and surfed the internet for new recipes! Then we made a quick trip to Publix! Now I'm chowing down on the Yellow Squash Stuffing I made tonight (so delish). Tomorrow we will have a busy day of relaxing with the hubby (we miss him during the week) and watching football. I hope all of you have a great weekend!

Questions for Friday, September 23rd: (Special thanks to @kristinascackle,Sandy,@donettadalman@gasfamily and @Lovely_Lici for their question suggestions! I'm dying for some fresh questions over here and besides that, I enjoy linking YOU in this little blog hop of ours, so please, please, please c'mon over to my community and offer up some question suggestions. OR, watch for my Twitter shout out for 5QF questions on Thursdays! If you go the Twitter route, remember to@5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF!)

1. Dream job...realistic and completely unrealistic.

2. Do you fart in front of your significant other?

3. What's the furthest you've ever traveled from home? How far and where was it?

4. How do you celebrate birthday for your kids? Family only or friends? ... Alternate for those without kiddos: How did you celebrate birthdays as a kid?

5. Fave thing about fall?


1. Dream job....realistic and completely unrealistic.

Realistic: SAHM. I have never really felt a pull towards any certain career. The only thing I've always known I "wanted to be when I grew up" was a mommy. I'm a working mom now, but my dream would be to be at home with Noah full time. One day, hopefully not too many years down the road it will be a reality and not a dream. 
Unrealistic: Stylist to the stars. I'm creative and very stylish-- if I had money to throw around, I'd look like a darn rock star. I'd adore spending other people's money for them and making them look fabulous.

2. Do you fart in front of your significant other?

It happens, but I try not to.

3. What's the furthest you've ever traveled from home? How far and where was it?

Belize on my honeymoon. It was fantastic. We took a small speed boat to Caye Caulker this tiny island off the coast and had breakfast on the beach and talked about living there one day...

4. How do you celebrate birthday for your kids? Family only or friends? ... Alternate for those without kiddos: How did you celebrate birthdays as a kid?

Well we haven't thrown a birthday party for Noah yet, but I'm more of a family party person. Especially when the kids are really young, they don't really care about "friends" being there. As a kid I had spectacular parties. One year I had a tea party and everyone wore party dresses and had tea and made mini cakes and my mom made a mock Mr. Mcgregor's garden on our front porch like from Peter Rabbit. Another year I had a costume party and our huge front yard was set up carnival-style (I'm an October baby).

5. Fave thing about fall?

I've talked about it too much already, but tea olives blooming. Love. It. Pumpkin pies come in a close second.

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