Morris is our dog. He is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the BEST dog ever created. He' s a black lab and beagle mix that we rescued two summers ago when Chad and I were just dating. From the minute I picked him up from the shelter I was head over heels. Chad was living at the Beach with his parents that summer and I had moved down there to be close to him. That was the summer I converted, and also the summer we realized we would be together forever so we took the plunge and decided to get a dog. Chad had always wanted a dog. Every year on his birthday and at Christmas he would ask for a puppy. One of my favorite stories is that one Christmas Greg and Carol (Chad's parents) bought a robot dog and put it out for Chad as a gift from Santa. My poor husband was not amused. He interpreted this act as a slap in the face and took a bat to the toy. I left the beach to move back to Columbia a month earlier than Chad and first thing I did when I moved home was go pick up Morris from Blythewood Animal Shelter because by that time we had applied for adoption and been approved. Now I've never adopted a human child, but the paperwork for an animal child was about 10 pages long before they even approved us, so I can only imagine what it would be for a little boy or girl. When I went to pick Morris up they actually brought out the wrong dog at first. My heart was guilty when they brought the other dog into the room because I was sure they had told her someone had come to get her, but I had to tell them no, and that this wasn't my dog. About 5 minutes later Morris flew through the door and up onto my lap and I knew I had made the right decision. The picture above is of Morris right after I got him, he has the FLOPPIEST ears ever! Chad was at the beach for a whole month without our new bundle of joy and it nearly killed him We sent so many picture and video texts that month so that he could see Mo--it was rediculous! Now he's over 2
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