Morris is our dog. He is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the BEST dog ever created. He' s a black lab and beagle mix that we rescued two summers ago when Chad and I were just dating. From the minute I picked him up from the shelter I was head over heels. Chad was living at the Beach with his parents that summer and I had moved down there to be close to him. That was the summer I converted, and also the summer we realized we would be together forever so we took the plunge and decided to get a dog. Chad had always wanted a dog. Every year on his birthday and at Christmas he would ask for a puppy. One of my favorite stories is that one Christmas Greg and Carol (Chad's parents) bought a robot dog and put it out for Chad as a gift from Santa. My poor husband was not amused. He interpreted this act as a slap in the face and took a bat to the toy. I left the beach to move back to Columbia a month earlier than Chad and first thing I did when I moved home was go pick up Morris from Blythewood Animal Shelter because by that time we had applied for adoption and been approved. Now I've never adopted a human child, but the paperwork for an animal child was about 10 pages long before they even approved us, so I can only imagine what it would be for a little boy or girl. When I went to pick Morris up they actually brought out the wrong dog at first. My heart was guilty when they brought the other dog into the room because I was sure they had told her someone had come to get her, but I had to tell them no, and that this wasn't my dog. About 5 minutes later Morris flew through the door and up onto my lap and I knew I had made the right decision. The picture above is of Morris right after I got him, he has the FLOPPIEST ears ever! Chad was at the beach for a whole month without our new bundle of joy and it nearly killed him We sent so many picture and video texts that month so that he could see Mo--it was rediculous! Now he's over 2

yrs old and still just as fabulous as ever. He knows a myriad of tricks and eats anything we willingly feed to him. He is such a lover. He wouldn't want to be anywhere else other than laying on top of us being rubbed. Chad says its the greatest thing in the world to come home from work and have someone waiting on him who's glad to see him under any circumstance and is always ready to run up and kiss him! I just love my baby bear. He's certainly a mama's boy! I hope all of you have a MoMo in your world. Keep loving life. Layne