Yikes. I don't know if I'm hormonal right now or if today was just one of those days, but it started off crappy and at this point is not much better. Let me lay it out for you starting from the beginning. Warning- I'm about to whine and complain and be sarcastic. This is not a cheery tale....
I woke up with a swollen throat at 6:15 after having gone to bed at 1. Five hours of sleep is pretty much my standard maximum right now, and I'm fairly functional with that amount at this point. (Noah slept through the night for the 4th night in a row so that is the silver lining here) This was the second morning that my throat hurt and my head throbbed from sinus pressure. I went downstairs to feed Noah, pump, do some laundry, wash some dishes and get back upstairs to get ready for my day around 7:15. I had a check up at my doctor's at 8:30 that I got to on time but sat for 20 minutes without even being called back to do blood work, which comes before the actual meeting with the doctor. I had to reschedule. Not only did I have to reschedule but I had to switch doctors. My OB/GYN doesn't work on Fridays which are typically my day off and therefore I would never be able to get an appointment with her without having to miss work. Stinks. I got back in the car to go to work and realized not only had I forgotten to put on make up, but I'd left my make up at home so I was stuck looking like death worn over for the duration of the day. Work is never
really bad. Luckily I like the people I work with, but this is our slow time of the year and there is road construction from Hell directly in front of our office that only makes this slow time worse. I ventured out to do some marketing at what I had planned on being 5 local colleges. Shouldn't have even made a plan with the way my day was going, but I did. I drove 20 minutes to the first college that literally no longer exists. There is still a sign up in front of the building, but absolutely no "suite 1000" anywhere. Strike 1. I head to the next college which I find is luckily still in business, but is an all black college. Not a problem for marketing purposes, but when you are put into an almost non-existent minority somewhere you become immediately
extremely self conscious and this was not how I needed to feel. I struggled navigating the campus and finally decided to park at the library. Walking to the library knowing I was being stared at by all of the passing students got me thinking...Super. Not only are they wondering what I'm doing here, but they're wondering what I'm doing here without make up on, looking all sorts of a hot mess, with lopsided boobs from inconsistent breast feeding and a run in my hose ---I now was extremely aware of just how crummy of a day this had become. The librarian was nice as could be, she even walked me to the street to point me in the direction of the Student Center and Admissions office, "just drive on over to the yellow building" she said. So that's what I did, I drove to the yellow building passing what seemed like hundreds of signs saying "don't drive this way" and got to the parking lot where there were no visitor spots and more signs threatening to tow if I parked there. I parked anyway thinking I'd only be .02 seconds inside and the minute I turned off the ignition campus security pulled up behind me. Someone must have called in a suspicious white girl who looked like she was strung out from a week-long bender. I got scared of being yelled at for illegally parking, cranked the car back up and got the heck outah dodge. Strike 2. Marketing was not going well. I lucked out by throwing in 2 unplanned spots that I was close to and headed off for an easy last two colleges. College 3 was easy, but my evidently antiquated Blackberry GPS took me literally 2 miles in a circle to college 4 that was .1 miles away from College 3 ON THE SAME ROAD. I will take a second to call myself out and say not once did I look at the addresses and notice that they were on the same road or I would've realized that my GPS was straight trippin. I pull back up to work after a 2hr trip that should have only lasted an hour starving and seriously peeved. I was really feeling like punching someone in the face. No lie. Fist to nose. Blood everywhere. OK. I'm done. Sorry. <sigh>
I got home and started the endless list of stuff I have to do every day now that I'm a mommy. Laundry, dishes, pack the diaper bag, spray the diapers, feed the baby, feed the hubby, feed myself. I realize after being home 3+ hours that I haven't pumped. Cue the water works. That was the tooth pick in my club sandwich- I was finished. How could I have so much to do, and on my mind, that I forget to provide food for my child. So, what do I do? Cry for just a second, hug my hubby and then latch on the pumps grab my computer and start to vent....to you lovely people! Thanks by the way, I feel a bit better. I think a lot of this has been building for a few days. Anyway, I've been trying to craft for 30 minutes every night to take some "me" time. Want to see the results? I took some pictures of my finished products-here they are. Love y'all! Layne
Heck yes that is a ribbon wreath on my front door, that I MADE. ME! I'm very proud, can you tell? |
I started a photo wall in my foyer! |
its hard to tell from the pic, but I spray painted Navy over this previously gold mirror to create a neat finish! |